so that和 so的区别主要是用法不同、可替换短语不同、释义不同。
1、释义不同:so that的意思是以致、为了、以便于;so的意思是如此。
2、用法不同:so that 引导目的状语从句,常放于句中;so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词和副词,一般和that连用引导结果状语从句,常和too…to…结构互换。
(1)My sister made a model plane so that she could help with her friend studying the science last night.昨天晚上我妹妹制作了一个飞机模型以便她能帮助她的朋友学习科学。
(2)She is so beautiful that all boys want to make friends with her. 她是如此的美丽以至于所有的男孩们都想和她做朋友。
3、可替换短语不同:so that相当于in order to/so as to,常放于句中,但是in order to常放于句首或句中,so as to常放于句末;so…that…常和too…to…结构互换。
(1)In order to watch the soccer game, I stayed up late last Saturday. 为了观看足球比赛,上周六我熬夜了。
(2)My sister is too young to go to school. 我妹妹是如此的小以至于不能去上学。=My sister is so young that she can't go to school.
回复so that和 so的区别主要是用法不同、可替换短语不同、释义不同。
1、释义不同:so that的意思是以致、为了、以便于;so的意思是如此。
2、用法不同:so that 引导目的状语从句,常放于句中;so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词和副词,一般和that连用引导结果状语从句,常和too…to…结构互换。
(1)My sister made a model plane so that she could help with her friend studying the science last night.昨天晚上我妹妹制作了一个飞机模型以便她能帮助她的朋友学习科学。
(2)She is so beautiful that all boys want to make friends with her. 她是如此的美丽以至于所有的男孩们都想和她做朋友。
3、可替换短语不同:so that相当于in order to/so as to,常放于句中,但是in order to常放于句首或句中,so as to常放于句末;so…that…常和too…to…结构互换。
(1)In order to watch the soccer game, I stayed up late last Saturday. 为了观看足球比赛,上周六我熬夜了。
(2)My sister is too young to go to school. 我妹妹是如此的小以至于不能去上学。=My sister is so young that she can't go to school.
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